My original #VanLifeLoy post caused quite a stir! So much more than I expected. I was quite overwhelmed by the responses I got, such enthusiasm and encouragement! And my website never had so many hits! So now folks are asking all the time how is the van conversion coming along!?!
Well.. The big news this week is that Van Blanc now has windows!!! Just in time for this glorious weather. So while I had a lovely breakfast in the sunshine in Witney on Monday, a fabulous local company called Express Windscreens spent the morning installing 4 windows. All are privacy glass which means it’s pretty difficult to see in, unless it’s dark and you leave the lights on, as a friend found out to his embarrassment! Hahah. Anyway, one of the windows, the one I intend to be beside my kitchenette, has a opening panel. The windows have made quite a difference! Firstly it’s much lighter in there, secondly the view has improved (obviously!), and thirdly, I can now see out the back when reversing. Dunno how long that will last once I have fitted the curtains n wotnot but for now it’s great. And I have got quite good at reversing this beast – Nailed a 3-point (and the rest) turn in a tiny tiny carpark last week, pre-windows! Fist punched the air – Go me!
And that’s about it really, except for the ever increasing pile of parts cluttering up my dining room. I have a spreadsheet so that I can keep a kind of checklist of all that I need to acquire and how much it’s all costing. Once I have completed it I might share the check list, you’d be surprised about just how much is needed! But slowly I am collecting everything I need. I have a cooker, water heater, sink, shower tray, toilet, mattress pillows etc, work tops, fridge, lights, batteries…And a heap more stuff!
I popped in to Ikea and got some blackout blinds and a few other bits and bobs but mostly I’m getting it online… It’s delivery central round here! I want to do a really high quality job so a lot of the components are new but wherever possible I am trying to source things second hand, or re-purpose what I already have… Like for example a desk we decided we didn’t need anymore. After spending ages trawling the net and the showrooms looking for a nice wood worktop that wasn’t going to be to big and heavy and not finding much, I realised that the top on the desk was perfect, as are several other parts of it. It saved me some money and saved the desk from the tip. I have some great ideas for how to use it’s various parts.
Anyway, that’ll do for the moment… Now that the water heater arrived I am off to the Caravan shop down the road to chat about water systems and maybe buy a pump!
‘Til next time
Lots of love,