Maybe I should amend the working title to The Mental Adventures of a Broken Skater?! This is the first real page of this ‘ere graphic novely picture book thing that I am making.. And why am I making it? Well, while I was lying there in my hospital bed I couldn’t help noticing the gigantic disparity between what was going on in my mind (quite frankly we just kept right on skating) and my body.. drugged up, broken and not going anywhere at all for a really long time… I came up with a comic strip about it and roughed it out in my sketch book but I didn’t get any further until I started talking about my other experiences, realisations and epiphanies and someone said ‘Maybe you should write a book!?’ Aha! I thought, that’s what I can do with that draft of an idea! Not write a book – Draw a book! So here we are right at the beginning, with the intention of sharing each page and experience with you as I make it because you’d be waiting a loooooong time if I made you wait until I’d finished it all! Personally I like instant gratifaction too much to go with that option, so page by page it is. I hope it will be helpful, humorous, heartwarming, hopeful and ultimately healing, and if you can help support me in bringing it to the world by becoming a Patron and spreading the word then I would be super grateful because it’s not just for me it’s for everyone.

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