Bloom! – Nikki explains her recent creation

Bloom! – Nikki explains her recent creation

Bloom is a bit befuddling. When folks walk into my studio and see her she usually causes a reaction. Some ‘get it’ immediately, they lay their hands on their hearts and I can see they are deeply moved. Some get flustered, they know it means something, but it’s frustratingly passing right over their heads so they harumph and move on. Some think they know, and give me their interpretation, valid I guess, art is always open to the viewer’s interpretation – But, except for a few wise women, they are usually wrong as to my interpretation. So I shall explain her for you…

Quiet Blue – Confessions of a Neurodivergent Artist and A Self Portrait in Blue…

Quiet Blue – Confessions of a Neurodivergent Artist and A Self Portrait in Blue…

Neurodivergent is not a term that I ever would have used to describe myself. I actually thought I was pretty ‘normal’. I function in the world fairly well, most of the time, and so I have never questioned whether or not I might be neurodivergent.
But then one day, in a strange juxtaposition of events – two conversations with two totally different people back to back – an epiphany occurred, and the effect of this epiphany has rippled through the generations of my family in a remarkable way.